Tuesday, December 30, 2003


hmmmmmm so I posted my first blog thingy. Freaked me out a bit when I just looked at it, and saw it said 2.44 am, I thought I had slipped into some timewarp. Or is it really 2.44am, and I am just dreaming that I am writing this, that would also mean, I dreamt that my mate phoned and told me to do this. Can you be sure you're really reading this, or are you just dreaming about it. I suggest a way of knowing is to scratch your name and the time on the wall by the computer, you could use a penknife or any sharp object to do this. If infirm, unsteady or not old enough to vote, please get an adult to help you. If the marks remain on the wall, and need a coat of paint to hide them, or the patch needs replastering, then it is likely you were really reading this, or some subliminal message in your dream made you get up and do it in your sleep. It could be infact, that everything you ever think you do, when awake, is part of a dream,we may never know for sure.
Enough of that I just wanted to say, its more like 11.20 am, not 2.44am........ I think.

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