Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Good morning, and a happy morning it is, I have just been sprinkling fairy dust all over everything that moves,(although I am not quite sure what fairy dust does). I think however it does something magical. I sprinkled some on a tiny tiny orange caterpillar, and look what happened.

The silly thing won't leave me alone now, its been following me about all morning.
He,( and I use the term he loosely, I have no clue what gender the wormy thing is), mumbled something about a banshee, and beware. Well I haven't time for listening to gossip and tittle tattle, I have things to do.
I tried to open the front door, only to find that it was far too heavy for me, even if I could reach the handle, so I flew through the key hole. it was then I started to wonder, why there was a flippin orange caterpillar in the house.

No not the caterpillar, the weather, it's spitting, that fine rain that gets you all wet, my hair will frizz up in this, and ooooooooh what about my wings. More concerned about the fine rain, I failed to notice, that on emerging through the other side of the key hole, I was no longer in a row of quaint old terrace houses, but somehow I had found myself in a fairy woodland.

Hovering through the blades of grass, kicking my feet up to stop my lovely pink shoes getting scuffed, I flitted towards a sunflower, who was smiling at me. Of course I never questioned how strange this was. I just took the leaf she was offering me and used it as an umbrella. In return I waved my wand and watched the fairy dust sprinkle over the sunflower.
Not having to worry about getting my electric blue nylonlike hair wet, I suddenly became aware of what I was going out for. I needed fags, cigarettes for those who think I was on the hunt for gay men.(besides fag in that usage is kinda derogatory and I don't use it).
Hmmmm theres no knowing where the shop is, aha a portal of some kind, between the trees, wavering lines and a humming sound, bit like the onset of a migraine. I dashed through it, and found myself in the familiar surroundings of my street. Busy with people walking to and from the shops and work. Noone seemed to notice my odd attire, or my blue hair, but I was now conscious of how short my skirt was. I flew amongst a few people, ducking and diving through their umbrellas, holding on tight to my leaf umbrella, and looking down , the orange caterpillar was hot in pursuit.
" fags fags fags thats what I need.
To be continued......

The silly thing won't leave me alone now, its been following me about all morning.
He,( and I use the term he loosely, I have no clue what gender the wormy thing is), mumbled something about a banshee, and beware. Well I haven't time for listening to gossip and tittle tattle, I have things to do.
I tried to open the front door, only to find that it was far too heavy for me, even if I could reach the handle, so I flew through the key hole. it was then I started to wonder, why there was a flippin orange caterpillar in the house.

No not the caterpillar, the weather, it's spitting, that fine rain that gets you all wet, my hair will frizz up in this, and ooooooooh what about my wings. More concerned about the fine rain, I failed to notice, that on emerging through the other side of the key hole, I was no longer in a row of quaint old terrace houses, but somehow I had found myself in a fairy woodland.

Hovering through the blades of grass, kicking my feet up to stop my lovely pink shoes getting scuffed, I flitted towards a sunflower, who was smiling at me. Of course I never questioned how strange this was. I just took the leaf she was offering me and used it as an umbrella. In return I waved my wand and watched the fairy dust sprinkle over the sunflower.
Not having to worry about getting my electric blue nylonlike hair wet, I suddenly became aware of what I was going out for. I needed fags, cigarettes for those who think I was on the hunt for gay men.(besides fag in that usage is kinda derogatory and I don't use it).
Hmmmm theres no knowing where the shop is, aha a portal of some kind, between the trees, wavering lines and a humming sound, bit like the onset of a migraine. I dashed through it, and found myself in the familiar surroundings of my street. Busy with people walking to and from the shops and work. Noone seemed to notice my odd attire, or my blue hair, but I was now conscious of how short my skirt was. I flew amongst a few people, ducking and diving through their umbrellas, holding on tight to my leaf umbrella, and looking down , the orange caterpillar was hot in pursuit.
" fags fags fags thats what I need.