Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I manage to find the cigarette shop, you know the shop that sells cigarettes, not a shop made out of a cigarette, I managed to locate it without drawing too much attention to myself. But how was I going to get in, I mean, its one of those doors on a spring, so it shuts behind you, not letting the heat out., and me, I must only be a few centimeters tall, if even that. I must be tiny, noone noticed how I looked, so I think they just didnt see me. I hovered about by the door, waiting for someone to go in or out,that way I could just flit past and get inside. A couple of people now seemed to notice me whilst hovering by the door, they stared at me as they walked by, so I tried to edge myself back to the door frame out of site. I heard someone mutter something, but I think the wind distirted what they said, because it sounded like " Look at that frikken nutter, is she about to rob the shop or what?" It was getting cold, and my umbrella was getting heavier with the rain, and was beginning to droop. It wasn't very effective now, I had to get into the shop, into the warmth, and into somewhere dry.I looked down at my feet, which were now looking a bit swollen around the tight laces, and were going a little mottled and purple, rather like how my legs used to look when we played hockey at school in the gales and snow. It was then I felt a big rush of warm air, and then heard a slamming noise, not before I heard a gruff voice growling, "Bloody loon get outta my way". I realised I had missed my chance to get in the shop, and I knew not how long I would have to wait for another chance.

It was then I decided this was a futile mission, I needed a sign, I waved my wand for inspiration. "Watch my friggin eye!!!!!!" someone in a green kagoul shouted, but when I looked back what I saw was something very different, it was a little green frog, who appeared to be telling me to follow him. This must be the sign, I dropped my umbrella, and began to follow the frog, he kept turning round and muttering under his breath, I couldn't tell what he was saying but he did seem to have a sense of urgency in his voice.