Monday, January 05, 2004
I had planned on writing something yesterday but with one thing and another I didnt get round to it, firstly I spent my time messing about adding things to my blogger and messing about with html codes and stuff. Then, I did something really exciting, I made vol au vents, not for fun, and not as part of my research, but of course, I did take note, I have to say, and I can now conclude having spent time making loads of vol au vents, they are more trouble than they are worth. Do you know the amount of effort that goes into making a vol au vent, well its a lot, so next time you eat one, spare a thought for whoever made them. Having said all that, at the end of the evening ( I will get onto that) there were only 6 vol au vents left, and they had been promised to my friend, who was at home ill, and couldn't come along. In fact she is the one who originally said there should be vol au vents at this event.
This brings me nicely onto the other reason I didnt get chance to write in here yesterday. It was my partner's mum's birthday, and a surprise party had been arranged. Not a disco thingy, was more of a gathering, quiet chilled music, people, food, vol au vents, and lots of people who I hadnt met, or didnt know. Was the sort of place where you didnt have to wear your glitzy disco boob tube, or your cocktail dress, but non the less you wanted to make an effort and look respectable and presentable. So I had a shower, got out my new, never been worn shirt, in the colour that suits me :P, and off we go. I noticed first of all when I put it on, that it was a little stiff, starch I thought, lots of new things are a bit stiff, or not quite as loose as they should be, but it was ok, it looked ok. Clothes never feel quite the same when they have been washed, not like that crisp new clothes feeling.... but I guess you have to not think about which sweaty mingers might have tried the clothes on in the shop...lets not hold that thought... in the car, the seat belt made the collar really irritating, and I was kind of conscious of it most of the night, and fiddled a bit with it in the mirror to make sure it looked alright, even if it felt like I had a bit of wood round my neck. The night went well, in fact it was brilliant.
When we got home I couldn't wait to rip my clothes off and put on my pjs. Thats when it happened. I unbuttoned the shirt and started to take it off , and something fell out onto the floor, it scared the chit out of me, I thought maybe everyone had been hiding the vol au vents in my shirt all night.
To my horror, when I looked down, mouth wide open, heart racing, clammy palms touching my thighs as my fingertips dug into my fleash, I looked down, and there it was, I was rivetted to the spot, unable to move, horror struck, mortified. Taking a deep breath, I slowly bent down, and carefully picked it up between my finger and thumb, and lifted it up so I could see it. This thing that caused such horror, and annoyance, the flipping cardboard strip that the packers put under shirt collars for protection or something!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF I had had that frikken thing in the back of my shirt allllllllllllll night!!!!!!!!! So you see by the time I pulled myself together, and managed to stop laughing, it was far too late to come online.
That leads me onto another puzzling thought, what really is the significance of the bit of card they put under the collar of shirts before you buy them????
This and other rivetting questions will be addressed right here. Stay tuned.