Monday, February 23, 2004
I was reading my friend's blog over at the teacup last night... and I have to say it also makes me sad, you see her puppy is not very well, and is worrying everyone... but here I am attempting to stay very positive, so lets try and have a little smile.
I was a little worried to also read in her blog entry yesterday, that Tony bought her a new coat ....... well thats very nice, I hear you say, what a cool guy...... but read between the lines, he bought the new coat cos he didnt like the one she wears... well thats all well and good I hear you say ..... and maybe its down to taste .. but I have thought long and hard about it, and I think I know exactly which coat it is that he doesn't like... and having thought about that, I really can't see how anyone cannot like it.... its accesorised even, even comes with matching hat.... now thats style... I think, style and class when you have a matching hat and colostomy bag ... well heres the coat... what do you think????/

I was a little worried to also read in her blog entry yesterday, that Tony bought her a new coat ....... well thats very nice, I hear you say, what a cool guy...... but read between the lines, he bought the new coat cos he didnt like the one she wears... well thats all well and good I hear you say ..... and maybe its down to taste .. but I have thought long and hard about it, and I think I know exactly which coat it is that he doesn't like... and having thought about that, I really can't see how anyone cannot like it.... its accesorised even, even comes with matching hat.... now thats style... I think, style and class when you have a matching hat and colostomy bag ... well heres the coat... what do you think????/