Tuesday, February 10, 2004

It may not be that much at the moment, and it may not be that noticable, but I now have evidence that I am losing my mind.
I went to my mates blogger last night,and she had this link on there called mind media , anyways this is a serious of questions and you choose answers from a selection, nothing taxing, no rights or wrongs,and then afterwards it does a summary, based on your results of how you use your brain and how you think.
Here are my results, in brief
Your Brain Usage Profile
Auditory : 41%
Visual : 58%
Left : 88%
Right : 11%

well I do not profess to be Einstein but I know that doesnt add up........ wheres the other 1%...... I tried the test a few times, and got different results each time, but there was still a missing 1%......... so come on, where is it????????? I think its that 1% that I use to write my blog with, or maybe Gordon took it on holiday with him.

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