Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Each night for the past week or so, I have seen this tiny little creature, well actually it isn't that tiny, at first I was alarmed when I saw it cos I thought some dirty cat had bobbed on the wall, not content with bobbing in the plants, I thought one had done it on the wall. On closer inspection I saw that it was .........
There it was its slime, shimmering in the moonlight. Well since then it has been back every night, and sitting in the same place on the wall. So last night, it was a bit windy and drizzling, and I thought it might not be upto hunting and foraging so I fed it, a cat biscuit, which it loved, hopefully it won't bring all of its friends for a bite to eat, tonight.
Because it is now my adopted pet, I have called it Britney Smears, although I cannot tell if it is a boy or a girl.I think it leads a double life, if so, no doubt you will get to read about it on here.

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