Sunday, February 08, 2004
Something strange has happened, well I say strange, but it may not be that something strange has happened, however something I am doing is kinda strange. I dont know if you have ever learned about classical conditioning, and pavlov and his dogs.. Well, before you start thinking that everytime I hear a bell, I start salivating, think again, this is a bit more strange.
Well it is to me. For some reason everytime I hear COCKLE PICKERS, or even think Cockle picker I start to laugh, I really don't know why.Its a bit like when I said DIARY, to my mate at the teacup, but this is odd. The thing is I keep hearing cockle picker on the news and reading it in the paper, and it really isn't a funny story, infact, it is really serious, and tragic, but still it keeps happening. I think I will need some aversion therapy, a little electric shock everytime I am about to laugh at cockle pickers.
So anyways, my reason for writing this is, if you hear me laughing, I am not laughing at the news story itself, and the tragedy that has happened, I am laughing for no reason that I understand, I even laughed when I tested it and sang "she wheels her wheel barrow through streets broad and narrow, crying cockles and mussels ..lalalala".
Who knows?