Thursday, February 26, 2004

Something to keep you occupied

I don't think I will get to write my blog for a little time, we are going to madrid on saturday, for a week.So I thought I would leave you something to do.
I am sure you have all seen those question things that come in emails, the ones that ask you to fill in the answers and then forward on to people in your address book. Well some of the questions on here are taken from those, others I have made up.
You don't have to forward it onto anyone, but it would be nice if you put the answers on the message board.

All you have to do is : click on the button that says enter my forum.... its on the left.Once in there either click on the questions message and post a reply, or post a new message ........ you dont have to type all the questions out, just cut and paste them into the message box.

1.what book are you reading now
2.Favourite board game
3.Favourite smell
4.Favourite sound
5.Worst feeling in the world
6.First thing you do when you wake up
7.First thing you think about when you wake up.
8.Favourite colour
9.Vanilla or Chocolate
10.Storms .....scary or cool
11.Your zodiac sign
12.Do you eat the stalks of broccoli
13.have you still got a toy from your childhood... what is it?
14.Is the glass half empty or half full?
15.Favourite tv show
16.Hairy muff or smoove groove.
17.what is under your bed.
18. what cd or tape is in your car or stereo at the moment
19. Favourite number
20.Coke or pepsi.

There you go, I look forward to reading your answers when i get back, so please if you do stop by, take a couple of minutes to fill it in.

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