Saturday, March 27, 2004


Do you think daytime tv has some sort of addictive element in it? you know like cigarettes or chocolate, something that does actually get you addicted, gives you something to crave if you don't get a hit???Well there is something, when you don't watch it you think its stupid, well even when you do watch it you think its pretty crap, but all the same once you start you get hooked.
You can plan your day round it, know which ad breaks you will use to make a drink, which one will be the breakfast making one, which break gives enough time to have lunch, it even regulates your toiletting habits.But why? Is it because of the amazing quality and content of these shows? Over the past couple of weeks, I have observed many of these shows, being in england they're not really of the same class of some of their american counterparts, for example ..... our jerry springer is Trisha, the guests are I suppose the nearest we will get to those seen on jerry springer, but as yet we dont seem to have the fights that you get with jerry. Maybe it cannot be compared to springer, maybe its more of the illeducated's oprah. It is infact amusing. Then interspersed there are a million and one shows about people finding crap tucked away in their lofts or sheds, and selling them for hundreds at auctions, and then the many many shows where they put right your interior design horrors, and revamp your house with a piece of MDF and a tin of paint and a stencil ........ again ...... addictive....
Again I ask why is it we end up addicted to such nonsense, and get into the stories, gripped to the tv watching and waiting, especially when there is a lie detector result coming up, or the dna paternity test results to come ............ so TRISHA ....... you showed a programme about "which one is the Dad"... sent the guests of for their tests .....BUT WHEN THE FRIG ARE YOU GOING TO TELL US!!!!!!!! I have forgotten now who the guests were but I want to know the results ...... and for goodness sake STOP saying to email you , on your show ....... if you are NOT GOING TO REPLY!!!!!!

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