Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Have you ever wondered where they come from, who puts them there, how they get there, why you didn't see them being put there and a heap more questions like this?
I hear you asking yourself what I am talking about.let me show you

Big humungous cranes, they suddenly appear in the skyline, one day they weren't there the next they are, who puts them up, and have you ever seen one being erected?Whats more how do they put them up, when there isnt one there to use to put up the others.Its a little bit like the pyramid questions, but they didnt just appear over night.

And then when they have been used to build or do whatever they are doing, how do they get them back down?
These crane pictures were taken in Madrid, by the royal palace.
I have done a little bit of research........ and found that you can get fast erecting cranesBut how fast is fast..... is it so fast that noone sees it happening.
It seems there are self erecting cranesso does that mean they put themselves up at night, when everyone is asleep?
who knows?