Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Often we say "later", but what does it really mean, when you say goodbye to a friend you may say later, to mean see you again soon, in this instance later is a positive thing.
It is not always said with a positive outlook, for instance, you may have been asked to do something , that you really don't want to do, and say later...... meaning you probably won't do it unless pushed to.
Sometimes it has its literal meaning, later, as in not right now, how this is perceived can vary, or how we want to perceive this can vary, enormously, for example, if someone says I need to talk to you later, you may feel that this is not going to be a nice talking to, maybe you have done something wrong, in which case you will hope it is very much later. On the other hand someone may say something will happen later, and you hope it is sooner rather than later.
Take for example, if someone suggests they are going to pluck your eyebrows, and manages to do one, and then decides they need to take a break, and says they will do the other one "later"... do you want that later to be a soon later or a long time later, do you want that pain to come soon, or would you rather it be a long time later, allowing you to go to dental appointments, doctors appointments, shopping, meet friends etc etc with odd eyebrows.
so you can see from this, the word LATER has many meanings.