Sunday, April 25, 2004

This weeks unconscious mutterings

  1. Elastic:: cigarette
  2. Intervention:: smoke it
  3. Risk:: smoking
  4. Junk food:: ciggies
  5. Arrogance:: smoke
  6. Responsibility:: smoking
  7. X:: smoker
  8. Marshall:: smoke
  9. Kill:: smoking
  10. Brother:: doesn't smoke

hehehehe...bit pre occupied with not smoking..will do it properly now

  1. Elastic:: band
  2. Intervention:: treatment
  3. Risk:: chance
  4. Junk food:: crisps
  5. Arrogance:: twattiness
  6. Responsibility:: take some
  7. X:: factor
  8. Marshall::ward
  9. Kill:: bill
  10. Brother:: beyond

click here to play.. post the answers in my forum if you have no where else to put them.

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