Monday, April 05, 2004

Well poppy the cat still isn't very well, she has been back on food since saturday evening, eating chicken and white fish .. not together, so she seemed to have forgiven us for starving her for 24hours, and although she was a little sleepy on saturday and sunday, and seemed a little off colour, it wasn't very worrying, her runny bum had stopped, but more than that she hadnt been for a poo. I thought maybe she was sleeping a bit more on sunday cos of what she was eating, you see normally she eats dried food and just picks at that through the day, but when she has meat or fish she eats it all at once, so I thought she had the sunday dinner syndrome, and wanted to nap after eating. But today, she definitely isnt herself, she has done a poo, but not a proper one really, and she definitely isnt herself, shes listless, lethargic, very sleepy, and limp, and she keeps looking like she is in a trance... well to try and help her constipation, she had some rice cooked for her, and mixed in with some fish. Now when she is well, she will eat rice, not that she has it much, just when she tries to scrounge it when we have it for dinner.... but today, she didnt want her specially cooked rice, but managed to eat the flakes of fish that it was mixed with I dont know how she managed to pick the rice out but she did. Anyways, fingers crossed she will be feeling beter tomorrow, but the vet is going to have a look at her anyways.

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