Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Then post this in your journal so that people can invent memories for you, if you want to.
I got this idea from This Blog and she got it from Busy Mom Blog
So come on lets see how creative you can be.
Click comments wait for it to open another page, and I think you have to click again... I know lots of clicking, but it makes me happy...
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oh my goodness, do you remember when you went to your bosses house for dinner, you and two others, for a posh business meeting, and you got a bit of a stomach cramp and had to go do a poo... but horror of horrors it was a floater not a flusher, and you couldnt make it go away, and it was time for the main course, so youdelved in, wrapped it in toilet paper, opened the little window in the bathroom, and tossed it out into the garden..... but unfortunately your ploy to disguise it in tons of toilet tissue intrigued the dog, who was out in the garden, and quickly picked it up, returning it to his master, your boss
lol, do you remember when you were being picked up by your new g/f's dad, and you wanted to make a good impression... unfortunately you stepped in some dog poo before you got into his car.. as you got in he told you how proud of his new 20grand car he was,and you joined in, not knowing that you were smearing dog shit all over his new car, infact you didnt realise you had stepped in the dog poo until you had left the car, walked through the hallway, the hallway with the nice white carpets, and to the kitchen.... nice!!!! bet you went down well
Do you remember the time you tryed to kiss me infront of your mum and dad the thing is you had told them you were gay and now you were confussing them, your mum got really upset and said
"if you can't make up your mind my girl then you can get out this house"
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"if you can't make up your mind my girl then you can get out this house"
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