Wednesday, May 05, 2004


get your lips round a knacker sandwich or a fanny burger

Well we have read about things that might put you off having a drink, I mean how can you really enjoy something that makes you think vomit when you drink it?There are a whole load more things out there that might put you off eating or drinking them, or maybe the reverse is true, maybe you are one of those people who rush to the store for

Knackers on toast madam????
or maybe this is maybe more your taste for a lunchtime snack

not satisfied? Maybe this is more your cup of tea

or maybe this

Or this

fanny and a side salad please
you may of course think all that is just

maybe you prefer this

or this

not satisfied yet?Try this


you could swill it all down with this

You can see these and many more by clicking here.

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