Tuesday, May 04, 2004
I was a bit lost for something to write about today, well I have to admitI didn't give much thought, so maybe later today I will write something else, anyways I read on Lynns blog about pooh, and how anything containing poo amuses her. So I suppose my entry today is a bit of an entertainment thingy for Lynn.... you may have seen the sites where you rate peoples cuteness, ugliness, rate their bottom, or their boobs, give points out of ten for whatever quality they are asking you to rate.. well here is another one, that didn't take much of a rummage in the sewers of google to find ..rate my poo I do suggest, if you do not have a strong stomach, that you do not follow that link.
If you have a similar disposition to Lynn this will be amusing to you as well, if you don't, then you will think wtf!!!
POOIf you want to indulge yourself further and read about that, or follow the links and get poo files, just click here
(Pythonic MOO)
What is POO?
POO is a Python program which operates similar to a MOO. A MOO is an object-oriented, live-coding MUD. A MUD is a multi-user dimension... Let's start again. POO implements a multi-user network virtual environment.
poo.py -- the POO engine
pooparse.py -- command-parsing module
poohelp.py -- help module
poodirect.py -- main program for use without sockets (i.e., connects POO directly to your console)
poosock.py -- main program for using POO as a server -- connect via TCP/IP
poo.dat -- core database
poohelp.dat -- help database
poohelp2html.py -- utility program for converting help database into HTML
Where can I discuss POO with other POOers?
There are now POO mailing lists for exactly this purpose
there's also Yahpoo
well thats all for now, enough of this crap, back with a proper post later.