Monday, May 10, 2004


unconscious mutterings...vagina

this weeks game
  1. Vagina:: monologues...if your vagina could talk what would itsay in 2 words
  2. Racism:: is vile, and should not be tolerated.
  3. Mother's Day:: is at different times in england and america.
  4. Fire alarm:: false alarm
  5. Elvis:: is alive and working in a chip shop in wigan
  6. Pregnant:: pause
  7. Vacation:: yes please
  8. Waffles:: birdssssssss eye potato waffflesssss wafflerlyyyy versatile
  9. Perpendicular:: line
  10. Hospital:: watch

you can play too by clicking here
whooooooo hooooooo blogger has a new look, but its too late now to have much of a fiddle with it, but it looks posh from what I have seen.

just trying this out, then I really am going to bed
lol it is a bit of a pain isn't it, sending you all over to make a silly comment, I suppose it might deter people from leaving silly messages :P except nothing will stop me if I want to :P
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