Wednesday, May 05, 2004
VIMTO or a cup of fizzy sick?

Vimto is a smashing drink
so why not have a slurp
its full of fizzy bubbles
that will make your bottom burp

When i go clubbing
everyone just stares
cos I buy a can of vimto
and stuff it down my flares

click here to see the latest tv ad
it may take a while to download
or here to see some older ones

so are you wondering what vimto is? maybe you know? ever wondered how it is made?what goes into it? how it gets its taste?
Have you ever noticed that VIMTO is an anagram? Is it coincidence?
Is it purely by chance that rearranged the letters spell VOMIT??
on the subject of anagrams here are a few more
"Yasmin Le Bon" gives "Mainly bones" and
"William Shakespeare" gives "I am a weakish speller"
'Diet Coca Cola' gives: a cool iced act
'Diet Pepsi Cola' gives: is delicate pop
'Pepsi Max' is a sex pimp
BUT theres no getting away from it VIMTO is VOMIT
Thats all for now, cos I have forgotten what it was I really was going to write about, so i will be back a bit later when I have remembered.