When my youngest niece was very young and learning the sounds animals make, and starting to identify animals as separate breeds, rather than just one large group called animals, she would make noices as she saw them, for some reason her favourite animal noise was MOO. There aren't many cows roaming the streets in an old yorkshire mining town, however she had good practice with her moo sounds. Each time she saw a dog, she would say MOO. This gained her the following response from whoever was with her. ITINTAMOO ITSADOG... roughly translated from yorkshire into proper english is ..It is not a moo (cow) It is a dog. So for some time after that, my poor niece had learned that a dog was called a TINTAMOO, rather more difficult to say than dog, but at a young age she managed to say it each time she saw a dog.
Well anyway here are some pics ...
But not as we know them.
From the cow parade, in manchester.

There are heaps more on the cow parade site, and tons more in Manchester.
Go have a look, and if you don't like cows, well POO!!!!
# posted by gilly @ 7/19/2004 10:47:00 AM