Tuesday, July 20, 2004
wots tha meeyun

am not shooer why av put this on ere. it int really ar a tork, well not allas any rooad, sum sez i tork like it moohar when am torkin to me mam or to eny body from up that rooed. Am not shooer really, burrit must be reyt.
tha mynt bi wundrin woram saying or wot language it is. If tha ar its english, but yorkshire dialect, tha nus sum foowaks stall talk like this...amd even moohar dunt know wot the sayin.
any rooad if tha click here thyz sum poems and tha can listen em anorl. if tha wants em translating leave me a message an arl tell thi what the mean.
heres a dictionary that mygnt help thi werk some on it art.An guess wot, corsey is init.