Tuesday, August 31, 2004
PRIDE INNIT !!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty Colours Innit?
Have you ever wondered if the gay pride flag is more than just something bright and pretty?

Well it is bright and pretty but it has a meaning too, well a few .....
represents life
Represents mutual support
represents the warmth of the sun
represents the power of nature
represents art
represents spirituality
The rainbow flag soon became the symbol of the self-awareness, proud and diversity of the lesbian and gay community. Even the International Association of Flag Manufacturers has recognized this symbol.
More information about the origins of this flag can be found here

For information about other pride flags and symbols click here.
or here.and here
We were at manchester pride this weekend, as well as popping over to the pleasure beach at blackpool and I will be writing posts about both these things very soon.
Monday, August 23, 2004
problems with dog hairs????????

Thursday, August 19, 2004
GOT MILK ..... (in a bag)
from here
to here


or this

Or don't forget the good ole glass bottle
Are these the only way to GET MILK???

look I shit you not

instore shot of milk in bags.

even a close up.

and a much closer upper.
And if you don't believe me, here is Glenn Humplik throwing milk over Tom Green, after Tom Green threw a bag of milk over Glenn, whilst singing, I've got a bag of milk in my pants.

You can see all about this right here
It would appear that you need a really vile jug to put the bag of milk in once you get it home.

you can then pour out a refreshing glass of bagged milk

Then return the gorgeous jug to the fridge

after taking a picture of your jug, please remember to close the door to keep the cold inside the fridge, thus making it more efficient in chilling food and bagged milk.
Some of this information and some of the images were taken from this vey informative site,THE CANADIAN MILK BAG, dedicated to the canadian milk bag, showing where to buy, how to open, and even shows an animated diagram of how to open the bag and pour it.
Friday, August 13, 2004

you can see many more of these right here ....
dean morris cards

Bernard Gets Around
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
thats better... glad I got that off my chest

Anyone got a clue where I found these???
me neither.
unconscious mutterings .....
heres this weeks words
click here to see where this game comes from

- Sting:: the police
- BMW:: flash git
- Jeremy:: beadle
- Audacious:: audacity one of my favourite words
- Drag Queen:: great leags
- Title:: sir/madam
- Stamp:: on your head if you do it again
- Bad:: dog good dog
- Snow White:: and the seven dwarfes
- Delegate:: get someone else to do it
click here to see where this game comes from
Monday, August 09, 2004
what would Thora Hird do???????


Finding these things online went a little way to help my cold turkey, now that Big Brother has finished

more of these film things here.
You really should go check out this site
Click here to slap Ahmed with a flip flop.
Sunday, August 08, 2004

Traces of the antidepressant Prozac can be found in the nation's drinking water, it has been revealed.
An Environment Agency report suggests so many people are taking the drug nowadays it is building up in rivers and groundwater.
A report in Sunday's Observer says the government's environment watchdog has discussed the impact for human health.
A spokesman for the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) said the Prozac found was most likely highly diluted....... so stay calm :P
you can read the full story ... here
Saturday, August 07, 2004
whoooooooooooops , I am a bit late with this weeks words, it will be soon time for next weeks
you can play here
- Testicles:: ewwwwww big hairy testicles
- Ribald:: can be
- Auction:: ebay
- Inch:: worm
- Tony:: bLIAR
- Phony:: trickster
- Stool:: pigeon
- Coyote:: ugly
- Cinderella:: rockafella
- Battery:: operated toys
you can play here
Sunday, August 01, 2004
hmmmmmmmm ok tampons bet you thought they were pretty safe huh? well I suppose they are, unless you leave them in too long, and then you might get toxic shock syndrome.. but thats ok..well not having toxic shock syndrome, thats not ok, it probably makes you feel really bad, but at least on the box they do print ....
See Back Page for Information Regarding
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
Some of you might not even know what a tampon is... so for those of you..here is one..

I will now go through the step by step instructions as included in the box.
Before you begin wash your hands. Choose a position for comfortable insertion.
Stand, placing one foot on the toilet seat, or...
Sit on the toilet with your knees apart.
Relax and take your time.
Remove the Femtex® Tampon from the individual protective wrapping. Grasp the grooved center of the applicator (barrel) with your thumb and middle finger. The removal cord should be extending out of the plunger end.
Carefully, insert the rounded tip of the applicator into the vaginal opening. Slant the applicator towards your lower back.
Gently push and rotate the applicator and insert until your thumb touches your body.
Make damn well sure your inner labia are safely out of the way, check that your finger or thumb has not idly managed to make your very delicate inner labia, the sensitive edge of your very, very, very tender inner labia, just for goodness sake make sure that it is nowhere near the flippin applicator tube before proceeding to the next step.
While holding the rings of the applicator, use your index finger to gently push the plunger until flush with the end of the barrel. This will place the tampon properly within your body.
Withdraw the applicator.
Failure to head the warning above will possibly result in a tiny little piece of very sensitive skin like that of your inner labia, becoming trapped between the layers of the inner pusher tube and the outer applicaton tube.
If you do have this mishap... please endeaver to remove your labia from its trappings before removing the applicator from you, if you do not heed this warning, your labia will become even more pinched and stretched.
Of course I realise there are those amongst us whho would probably enjoy such an accident.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
Some of you might not even know what a tampon is... so for those of you..here is one..

Before you begin wash your hands. Choose a position for comfortable insertion.
Stand, placing one foot on the toilet seat, or...
Sit on the toilet with your knees apart.
Relax and take your time.

Make damn well sure your inner labia are safely out of the way, check that your finger or thumb has not idly managed to make your very delicate inner labia, the sensitive edge of your very, very, very tender inner labia, just for goodness sake make sure that it is nowhere near the flippin applicator tube before proceeding to the next step.
While holding the rings of the applicator, use your index finger to gently push the plunger until flush with the end of the barrel. This will place the tampon properly within your body.

If you do have this mishap... please endeaver to remove your labia from its trappings before removing the applicator from you, if you do not heed this warning, your labia will become even more pinched and stretched.
Of course I realise there are those amongst us whho would probably enjoy such an accident.