Monday, September 27, 2004

Fruity sweet wrappers spark complaint
Students at a Catholic school complained about new Haribo sweet wrappers which they claim portray fruit having sex.
Graduates from St Blasien Jesuit College, near Freiburg, were complaining about the new wrappers for Haribo's Maoam sweets.
In a letter to the firm, they wrote: "We are shocked at the shameless presentation of sexual practices on the wrapping, which includes not only sexual intercourse but also fellatio and cunnilingus."
The letter added: "It's irresponsible, to expose children to such pornographic representations."
The sweets wrapped in bright yellow, red and green colours show lemons, limes, strawberries, cherries and oranges romping with each other.
The students were especially opposed to the lemon flavoured chews, which "undoubtedly show a green figure having sex with a lemon".
"The lemon, which from the drawing looks female, is obviously enjoying it with the greatest of pleasure."
Haribo have overstepped the line...HOW DARE THE DEPICT A FEMALE, even if it is a female lemon, ENJOYING SEX WITH THE GREATEST OF PLEASURE.
However having said that, I am still unable to determine the sex of the lemon, indeed I do believe they are same sex fruits enjoying same sex frolicks. ... and for goodness sake, look at the cherries having an orgy... or are they just demonstrating voyeurism and exhibitionism... disgusting innit :P
you can see the story here