Sunday, June 19, 2005


say what you think

  1. Domesticated:: housework
  2. Cask:: wooden
  3. Wayne:: john
  4. Insidious:: not nice
  5. Cool!:: as a cucumber
  6. Dishwasher:: safe
  7. Little house:: on the prairie
  8. Stepford:: husbands, stepford wives
    With longer scissors, sharper knives
    So sugar-sweet, they spend their time as censors, working overtime
    This good-good culture
    Bullshit motherfucker bullshit
    Welcome christ, judges, lone ranger
    Bullshit motherfucker bullshit
    Padres, pastors, popes, priests
    Bullshit motherfucker bullshit
    Critics, comics, you, me
    Bullshit motherfucker bullshit
    Big mouth, big mouth, big mouth strikes again
    Big mouth, big mouth, big mouth strikes again
  9. Hung:: drawn and quatered
  10. Falling:: down

taken from here

Its from a chumbawamba song.
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