Friday, September 02, 2005

This woman is walking the world for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Save the image and load it into an email and forward to all of your contacts.
I received her in an email with this message:
This woman is walking the World for Breast Cancer. Please pass her on so that she can reach her destination. Say a prayer for all those who are affected by this terrible disease. She's walking around the world - via e-mail!! Pass it on so she can get there! Please hit your forward button, so the woman stays animated.
I think most of the spiritual life is really a matter of relaxing -- letting go, ceasing to cling, ceasing to insist on our own way, ceasing to tense ourselves up for this or against that.
-- Beatrice Bruteau in "Radical Optimism"

Be aware all the time, click the picture for more information.