Wednesday, March 31, 2004
If any of you have been reading my friend's blog over at the teacup, you will have no doubt read about the worry and upset about her dogs over the past couple of weeks.
Well yesterday, my friend had clients at work, and so we took Asha to the vets as she was a lot worse than she had been the day before when the vet saw her, as we anticipated the vet recommended that she have an emergency hysterectomy.... this meant that we sat in the waiting room of the vets with Asha(incidently, she doesn't like going to the vets) until they came to lead her off to have her operation....... well should have seen the look she gave us, it wasn't enough that we were upset cos she was ill, and had to have the operation, but the little minx, gave us a look that would surely fill us with guilt.
This morning, I went round to sit with Asha and keep an eye on her..... now she isn't very well after her operation, and is in lots of pain, and also a bit doped up with medication ..... but I think the little minx remembered who left her at the vets, who handed her over to the vet.... she might have even remembered that I was the one who took Libby to the vet ages ago, and made libby walk down the road with a bucket on her head, who knows, maybe it was payback for all of this, or maybe she just knew she could milk it with me ...... anyways for about 5 hours, she wouldn't drink, so I was wetting my fingers and wiping her lips and stuff to make sure her mouth didnt get too dry, she could hardly get up or sit down, was falling asleep all over, yep, you guessed worrying me sick.... and then we hear a key in the door ..Mummy is home .... she wags her tail, stands up, turns round and wags her tail again as she comes in ...... and then what did the little minx do ..... drank lots of water .... its a good job I love her!!!!!
ps. the time I had to take Libby to be measured for this bucket thing that she didnt like , well .... I had to walk her back, not a short walk, down very busy streets with her wearing it, only for us to find that had been enough to deter her from doing what she had been doing to need the bucket in the first place ...
so if any of you have any pets you need taking to have things they won't appreciate, or children to take to the dentist or anything similar ...let me know :P then I can be unavailable hehehe.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Do you think daytime tv has some sort of addictive element in it? you know like cigarettes or chocolate, something that does actually get you addicted, gives you something to crave if you don't get a hit???Well there is something, when you don't watch it you think its stupid, well even when you do watch it you think its pretty crap, but all the same once you start you get hooked.
You can plan your day round it, know which ad breaks you will use to make a drink, which one will be the breakfast making one, which break gives enough time to have lunch, it even regulates your toiletting habits.But why? Is it because of the amazing quality and content of these shows? Over the past couple of weeks, I have observed many of these shows, being in england they're not really of the same class of some of their american counterparts, for example ..... our jerry springer is Trisha, the guests are I suppose the nearest we will get to those seen on jerry springer, but as yet we dont seem to have the fights that you get with jerry. Maybe it cannot be compared to springer, maybe its more of the illeducated's oprah. It is infact amusing. Then interspersed there are a million and one shows about people finding crap tucked away in their lofts or sheds, and selling them for hundreds at auctions, and then the many many shows where they put right your interior design horrors, and revamp your house with a piece of MDF and a tin of paint and a stencil ........ again ...... addictive....
Again I ask why is it we end up addicted to such nonsense, and get into the stories, gripped to the tv watching and waiting, especially when there is a lie detector result coming up, or the dna paternity test results to come ............ so TRISHA ....... you showed a programme about "which one is the Dad"... sent the guests of for their tests .....BUT WHEN THE FRIG ARE YOU GOING TO TELL US!!!!!!!! I have forgotten now who the guests were but I want to know the results ...... and for goodness sake STOP saying to email you , on your show ....... if you are NOT GOING TO REPLY!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
This weeks unconscious mutterings
- Wife:: beater ...... apparantly some item of clothing in the states, i think its really a vest, but then a vest is something different in the states.
- Criminal:: justice bill
- Campaign:: for real ale
- Infection:: not imperfection
- Portland:: Bill
- NASCAR:: racing
- IMAX:: cinema
- Martian:: landing
- Nike:: dyke
- Trial:: and error
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
I was looking for something for Gordon's blog and came across this, it amused me for a few minutes. Be sure to click on the speaker icons and listen.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Well, we have been back from Madrid for a couple of weeks now, and I did say I would do an entry about the trip, until now I haven't really got round to it, so I am going to start it now.
First of all I have to say I had a wonderful time, it is the first time I have been to a country where the main language wasn't english. Now, some may thing this would be really stressful, trying to be understood, and understand, well maybe for some that is the case, fortunately I was with someone who does have some grasp of the language and a good vocabulary, although, she doesn't think she has. But even so, the people we came across were all very patient and helpful and didn't make us feel silly or uncomfortable because we were not Spanish speakers. Myself I know a handful of words,( these would include swear words that I was taught .... as seems to be the norm when you know someone who speaks another language .... teach them some of your swear words ... its all good fun) never the less, with only a small handful of words, you will realise I had very little clue what people were talking about. Frustrating??????? Not at all!!!!! Totally the opposite, I loved it!!! It got me thinking and made me realise just how much time, energy, effort and concentration we use up that is far from necessary. Have you really considered how much energy and brain power you use up listening in on peoples conversations, either consciously or subconsciously. Being in an environment where the background chat was in a language I didnt understand, it became just a back ground noise, not something I strained to listen to, not something that interupted my thoughts and head space, and allowed me either to switch off or think about other things, like how lucky I am, and what a wonderful time I was having. Having said all that though, sometimes, without even knowing the language you can get the gist of what people are on about, or rather the sort of conversation they are having…. Take the time we were chilling out in a trendy little, gay coffee shop/bar, in comes two dykes, they sit next to us, and one starts getting animated, gesticulating, her face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, it was obvious they were having some sort of lesbian drama, ( it seems they are universal, without lesbians there would be no drama). Well, fortunately this time, our friend Alberto was with us, and was able to give us a quick summary of what the bitching was about, apparently it was about a third dyke, who we assume was the girlfriend of the one ranting.
So what else can I tell you? The architecture is amazing, of course here in England we have some beautiful old buildings, especially in London, these seemed different, I am not sure why, I think the only thing I can think of is they look cleaner, more crisp. At the time we were there, a lot of the buildings did have scaffolding around them, apparently the city is being ‘perfected’ in time for the royal wedding.
On the first night we got there , we had been invited to a tapas bar for a birthday party, it was on the way back to our accommodation that we realised just how different Madrid is to England, it was after 3 am, and we were stuck in a traffic jam, the streets were full of people, it was like early evening.
But for those who just don’t want to click here is one that we took on the first day we were there.

silly me I can’t remember what this place is called, but it was gorgeous, a great big park, lots of people, but quiet and peaceful, cept for the many people dressed as mickey mouse and winnie the pooh trying to collect money. But the part where this picture was took, was stunning, looked like it had been snowing.
Ok that’s the boring tourist guide bit over.
Here is a good link, if you want to read other peoples travel reports about Madrid, some are factual, some amusing, theres lots of pictures too.
Well before we went to Madrid, I had found a webcam online showing Plaza mayor, and we had told our friend that one day we were going wave to her on the webcam…. So soon after we had got to Madrid, we went to look at plaza mayor, and realised we couldn’t tell where we should stand to be seen on the cam…… no problem, we would find an internet café, and find the cam online, and work it out, so we thought, or so I thought, google was Spanish and I didn’t have a clue, fortunately, someone very clever thought to put the English google on and found it, so I had an idea after looking where it was that we should stand. On the way back from the internet café, was the day we found ourselves in the thick of the redlight area, wall to wall women in their tight trousers… usually white, or maybe red, there were some banners up saying something like ban prostution from the streets, this does not however mean that the aim is to get rid of prostitution, the aim is to get it from the streets, to legalise ‘brothels’ making it safer and I guess not making it look bad for tourists. (Now that could well be a topic for another entry) Our friend told us that of the older generation, many married men will have more than one woman, some even marry prostitutes, he joked, that way saving them money.
Any way, nuff of that, I will write about all that on another entry.
So, one night, its quite late, and we decide to ask the woman at the teacup if she is at home and online, she sends a message back on the phone saying yes, and that she is wetting herself waiting for us to come into view on the screen. We walked in, a little bit like a scarey western movie, looking round, deciding where to stand, smoking our ciggies so she would recognise us…. But they helped us get noticed by a bunch of drunks, who then decided to nag us for cigarettes, that was when we pretty much pretended we had no spanish vocabulary. So there we are thinking hurry up, send a message and say you have seen us, when the message comes, telling us to move cos she cant see anything cos of the lights, so we moved a bit more, and by now we had finally shaken off the drunk wanting a smoke. Knowing the webcam streams every 20 seconds, I must have looked a fool holding a waving pose for 20 seconds or more, which incidently didn’t get noticed, except for by the people around us, wondering what the frig we were doing.Finally we got the message, she had seen us, and saved pictures, …….. we later found out, she wasn’t sure it was us, but guessed it was, cos noone else would have stood there that long.
Well, if I re-read that it probably sounds like we didn’t do much, so maybe I will write some more things later, but maybe not, I’ll have a think about it… in the meantime you could click away at the links and see whats around.
Better late than never
Friday, March 19, 2004
I saw this message posted in a forum i belong to and thought it worth spreading the word
The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to
click on it daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free
mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman.
It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "fund
free mammograms" for free (pink window in the middle).
This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers
use the number of daily visits to donate a mammogram in exchange for
The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to
click on it daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free
mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman.
It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "fund
free mammograms" for free (pink window in the middle).
This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers
use the number of daily visits to donate a mammogram in exchange for
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Often we say "later", but what does it really mean, when you say goodbye to a friend you may say later, to mean see you again soon, in this instance later is a positive thing.
It is not always said with a positive outlook, for instance, you may have been asked to do something , that you really don't want to do, and say later...... meaning you probably won't do it unless pushed to.
Sometimes it has its literal meaning, later, as in not right now, how this is perceived can vary, or how we want to perceive this can vary, enormously, for example, if someone says I need to talk to you later, you may feel that this is not going to be a nice talking to, maybe you have done something wrong, in which case you will hope it is very much later. On the other hand someone may say something will happen later, and you hope it is sooner rather than later.
Take for example, if someone suggests they are going to pluck your eyebrows, and manages to do one, and then decides they need to take a break, and says they will do the other one "later"... do you want that later to be a soon later or a long time later, do you want that pain to come soon, or would you rather it be a long time later, allowing you to go to dental appointments, doctors appointments, shopping, meet friends etc etc with odd eyebrows.
so you can see from this, the word LATER has many meanings.
Sunday, March 14, 2004

You are Marcie!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
if you want to take any of the 'tests' that are shown on here, but have no where to post the results, feel free to post them in the forum.
Friday, March 12, 2004
Do you believe in coincidence? That some things happen by chance? Obviously lots of things are down to coincidence, and chance. probability and mathematics can answer many things.

Well, you may remember I said i would blog a little about our trip to Madrid, and I will, but not today. Today I am going to ramble on about other things.
Yesterday, I had a message, asking if I had seen the news about madrid, at that time I hadnt but within minutes, I had seen and read news, of the horrific news of the bombings in Madrid.Through the day I watched further coverage, each time as the events and results of the attacks were recounted the devastation and impact became increasingly worse.
It took me back somewhat to 9/11.
Yesterday was filled with lots of different emotions, firstly there was the shock, the horror, the disbelief and anger, that such news brings. Where ever we are in the world, when we hear of things happening like this or any tragedy we naturally feel for those involved, those who have lost lives, those who have been hurt, relatives of those people. Yesterday, we worried about our friends in Madrid, those who we had spent time with only last week. Fortunately, they were safe, which was a big relief. They may have known people who were hurt, but as yet we do not know that. There was also some relief, maybe selfish relief, relief that we were in madrid last week and not this week. My mind raced about thinking about how our family and friends would have coped if we had been in Madrid this week, how worried and anxious they would be. I am not sure why these thoughts happened, there was no need for them, no point in thinking that way, but never the less, it crossed my mind. I also thought about some of the people we didnt know as such, but who we had met last week. people who served us in cafes and bars, those who helped us out when our grasp of spanish wasn't as good as it could be, those who smiled as we attempted to order things etc, and I found myself thinking, some of those people, who had helped make our holiday in Madrid, memorable, fun, and enjoyable, may well be amongst the victims.
When things like this happen, in essence they are impersonal, in that I mean, individuals have not been named and targetted as an assasin for instance would do, the terrorists do not know the people they will hurt, to them they are anonymous. For those affected by the attack, the victims, it is very personal, I do not need to explain that, it is obvious. Further still, to everyone else, to the ordinary person in the street, to the citizens of the world, where ever we are it is personal, in a different sort of way. By that I mean, it could just as easily have been the bus you were on yesterday, the office block you work in, the train station you pulled into. It reminds us just how much at risk we all are, from these mindless, evil terrorists.How they attack the freedom and safety of individuals, like you and me.
Don't get me wrong, I do not wander round day to day, thinking an attack is inevitable, I do not let such things influence what I do as such, e.g, I wont stop flying cos someone may have put a bomb on the plane. What will be will be, worrying about it won't stop it happening if it is going to, and why let these evil people stop us doing things.
Ok I still have things to write about what happened yesterday, but I am going to take a break, so for now
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Have you ever wondered where they come from, who puts them there, how they get there, why you didn't see them being put there and a heap more questions like this?
I hear you asking yourself what I am talking about.let me show you

Big humungous cranes, they suddenly appear in the skyline, one day they weren't there the next they are, who puts them up, and have you ever seen one being erected?Whats more how do they put them up, when there isnt one there to use to put up the others.Its a little bit like the pyramid questions, but they didnt just appear over night.

And then when they have been used to build or do whatever they are doing, how do they get them back down?
These crane pictures were taken in Madrid, by the royal palace.
I have done a little bit of research........ and found that you can get fast erecting cranesBut how fast is fast..... is it so fast that noone sees it happening.
It seems there are self erecting cranesso does that mean they put themselves up at night, when everyone is asleep?
who knows?
Monday, March 08, 2004
hmmmmmmm so whats with blogger.... why can't I see what I have posted yesterday. I know its there cos I saw it on another computer, but mine is hiding it from me .......... why????????
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Well, hello there, I am back from Madrid now, and having a good catch up with some blogs, well mainly my friends over at the tea cupI looked briefly when in Madrid, and saw the web cam pics she took from the madrid webcam site of us waving to her.But now I am having a rummage at some of the links she has on her blog and having a go at them.
Firstly, the word association game at Unconscious Mutterings.
- Dogma:: DogPa, and babyDawg, not to forget...deputy daaaaawwwwggg
- Spirit:: in the sky, thats where I'm gonna go when lalalala and the rest
- Voodoo:: Cool shop in town
- Demon:: Demon has gots lots of bling (as said by gordon)
- Digital:: Digital her not to come today cos its raining?
- Ceremony:: pomp and citcumstance
- Research:: study
- Career:: job
- Penis:: envy ........ I haven't got it :P
- Film:: saw a good one on friday ...Monster.

Volo anaticulum cumminosam meam!
"I want my rubber ducky!"
Okay, so you're a little childish. You know how to
have a good time.
Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I will write some more, perhaps, later today, about our trip to madrid, which was, incidently, BRILLIANT!!!!!!!