Thursday, February 26, 2004
I don't think I will get to write my blog for a little time, we are going to madrid on saturday, for a week.So I thought I would leave you something to do.
I am sure you have all seen those question things that come in emails, the ones that ask you to fill in the answers and then forward on to people in your address book. Well some of the questions on here are taken from those, others I have made up.
You don't have to forward it onto anyone, but it would be nice if you put the answers on the message board.
All you have to do is : click on the button that says enter my forum.... its on the left.Once in there either click on the questions message and post a reply, or post a new message ........ you dont have to type all the questions out, just cut and paste them into the message box.
1.what book are you reading now
2.Favourite board game
3.Favourite smell
4.Favourite sound
5.Worst feeling in the world
6.First thing you do when you wake up
7.First thing you think about when you wake up.
8.Favourite colour
9.Vanilla or Chocolate
10.Storms .....scary or cool
11.Your zodiac sign
12.Do you eat the stalks of broccoli
13.have you still got a toy from your childhood... what is it?
14.Is the glass half empty or half full?
15.Favourite tv show
16.Hairy muff or smoove groove.
17.what is under your bed.
18. what cd or tape is in your car or stereo at the moment
19. Favourite number
20.Coke or pepsi.
There you go, I look forward to reading your answers when i get back, so please if you do stop by, take a couple of minutes to fill it in.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Step this way, yes come a little closer........ follow me........ step right inside....... don't be scared....... be very afraid....... no only joking .... just click here and have a look at this, it doesnt take long to do and its quite cool.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
You can't tell me you have never wondered about this question, I mean what use do they have, are they just there to make the body look symmetrical or what. See I know why women have nipples... but thats not the same for guys. What do they do, besides just sit there and occassionally get hard?
Perhaps its just because they would look silly without them, well that maybe so, well it would look unusual if you saw a guy with no nipples, but it wouldn't look silly if none of them, ever had nipples, would it?
Well lets try and disecct this problem, is it to identify them as mammals..... a mammal has skin more or less covered by hair, and nipples...... milk producing in females. So he wouldn't necessarily need nipples to identify him as a mammal unlesshe was bald... then they might help...what would hairless, nipple less guys be? Reptiles? I won't answer this question.
Mammae masculinae or male nipples.... whats the point?
Maybe they are just for pleasure, a bit like the female clit, talking of men without nipples, ken, barbies, boyfriend doesnt have nipples, and I never thought he looked odd. I wonder if action man has nipples or not... they do seem to be an accessory for the beefy muscular six packed guys, makes note to check action man out
having these useless nipples can be a little annoying for any offspring of the useless nipple father, leaving the child feelling betrayed as it instinctively homes in on a nipple whilst being cradled by the bare chested daddy.
Darwin, said the Mammae masculinae are not rudimentary they are just underdeveloped, so perhaps they are just there incase a time comes when a gender reassignment is undertaken.Dr Miriam stoppard took this further and says given the right hormones men could develop fully functioning breasts. Now theres a thought for would be mums, that will save expressing milk if you want a night out.
Perhaps there is a simple explanation, such as, maybe the cells which will become nipple tissue starts to develop without checking first if the embryo is going to be a girl or a boy, and once this information is gained, then they adapt to those changes.
Going a step further .............MAN BOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!! could anyone really find good reason for those.
So onto todays thoughts .....
2. Man Boobs ..... suck em or chuck em
Never heard of this film, so I guess now I can go and look it up online.
But first I am going to go find some other mindless quizzes to do.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Pholph's Scrabble Generator![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My Scrabble© Score is: 9. What is your score? Get it here. |

Here are my responses.
- Angel:: Buffy the vampire slayer
- Birth:: births deaths and marriages
- Logic:: there is logic in my madness
- Stars:: in your eyes, tonight Matthew I am going to be ...........
- Nursery:: rhymes
- View:: to a kill...... be seeing you with a viewwwww to a kill lalala
- Hart:: to hart,
- Creation:: lets make it
- End:: of the road
- Fortune:: fortune-ately I am actuarlyyy very posh ..... and mad!!!
I was reading my friend's blog over at the teacup last night... and I have to say it also makes me sad, you see her puppy is not very well, and is worrying everyone... but here I am attempting to stay very positive, so lets try and have a little smile.
I was a little worried to also read in her blog entry yesterday, that Tony bought her a new coat ....... well thats very nice, I hear you say, what a cool guy...... but read between the lines, he bought the new coat cos he didnt like the one she wears... well thats all well and good I hear you say ..... and maybe its down to taste .. but I have thought long and hard about it, and I think I know exactly which coat it is that he doesn't like... and having thought about that, I really can't see how anyone cannot like it.... its accesorised even, even comes with matching hat.... now thats style... I think, style and class when you have a matching hat and colostomy bag ... well heres the coat... what do you think????/

I was a little worried to also read in her blog entry yesterday, that Tony bought her a new coat ....... well thats very nice, I hear you say, what a cool guy...... but read between the lines, he bought the new coat cos he didnt like the one she wears... well thats all well and good I hear you say ..... and maybe its down to taste .. but I have thought long and hard about it, and I think I know exactly which coat it is that he doesn't like... and having thought about that, I really can't see how anyone cannot like it.... its accesorised even, even comes with matching hat.... now thats style... I think, style and class when you have a matching hat and colostomy bag ... well heres the coat... what do you think????/

Saturday, February 21, 2004
The other day I came across a Blog called Spam Poetry. I thought this was a neat blog, and original, it may have been done elsewhere but its the first place I have seen it. I delete all of my spam emails, but as I have mentioned before I do go into chatrooms, and they are often full of stupid spam and pick up lines. Well I have decided to make a collection and maybe do some poetry or rap or summin, I had a quick look this morning but it was a pretty fruitless material collecting mission, which in itself is quite unusual. But here goes:
sexy ladies
care for a chat
any one
any f sub under 30
message me
meet singles in your area
44 aussie bi mum
check out my hot pics
im getting naked now
43/f looking for a lady to chat with
maybe more
does anyone want to view
anyone to challenge me
need a female to make me her sex slave
for real
well as I said, there wasn't much going on this morning, so that one is a bit lame, but I will venture back in and collect some more stuff later, and see what I can come up with.
sexy ladies
care for a chat
any one
any f sub under 30
message me
meet singles in your area
44 aussie bi mum
check out my hot pics
im getting naked now
43/f looking for a lady to chat with
maybe more
does anyone want to view
anyone to challenge me
need a female to make me her sex slave
for real
well as I said, there wasn't much going on this morning, so that one is a bit lame, but I will venture back in and collect some more stuff later, and see what I can come up with.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Well what can I say, my friend over at the teacup has posted what I was going to post on my blog today. But thats ok, cos I love her, so I don't mind, although she is a cheeky bugger. But no worries, I will save it and put it on here another day.
Well without my planned blog material, I decided I would have a little spring clean of my monitor, you know how it changes colour if you wipe it once in a while, its probably not a dingy brown colour really. Well I gave it a good dusting but thought I should give the inside of the screen a good wipe...... not wanting to take it to pieces, I found this handy tool did the trick.Its quick, simple, and very effective, cleaning has never been so much fun. All you have to do is click the link below, and when it opens move your cursor around the bits you want to shine..... and hey presto ....
Well without my planned blog material, I decided I would have a little spring clean of my monitor, you know how it changes colour if you wipe it once in a while, its probably not a dingy brown colour really. Well I gave it a good dusting but thought I should give the inside of the screen a good wipe...... not wanting to take it to pieces, I found this handy tool did the trick.Its quick, simple, and very effective, cleaning has never been so much fun. All you have to do is click the link below, and when it opens move your cursor around the bits you want to shine..... and hey presto ....
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Well I just had to pop out of a chatroom to write this before I forgot. See I saw someone come in called ThickNips, I was thinking thicknips? whats thicknips? Is that thicknips not intelligentnips, or thicknips not thinnips, and how do you get thick nips. didnt they listen to the teacher at school or summin...... anyways I clicked on the profile, and sort of got some idea about what thicknips means.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Click here
How important does a person have to be before he is considered assassinated, instead of just murdered?
JFK was assassinated,as was Martin Luther King. Jill Dando was murdered
and what happened to Princess Diana, was she murdered, assassinated or was it really just a very tragic accident?
Monday, February 16, 2004
After going missing following being treated to a cat biscuit, Britney has returned to her night time haunt ....the wall, she looked a little skinnier, or maybe she had got taller, but she did look a bit like perhaps she had been to the slug spa for a break. I dont think she left the country, she wasnt wearing shades, didnt have a tan, held no tell tale stuffed donkey and sombrero, but she was clutching onto this picture.

Welcome home Britney
Sunday, February 15, 2004

is it somewhere where actors just fanny about playing lipservice to the arts.(thats a british fanny about not an american one).
or is it just a load of

Saturday, February 14, 2004
it has been brought to my attention that I have not written this blogger since Tuesday.So here I am now writing it, well thinking what to write.
You might remember a little while ago I wrote about my new pet, Britney Smears, well Britney has done a runner, well a slimy slither and slide, no longer does she frequent the brick on the wall, infact since she had the enormous cat biscuit in one sliming she has not been seen, I am hopeful that she is just hibernating a little, and hoping that the cat biscuit didnt make her attractive to the numerous cats that think they have the right to parade around the garden at night time shitting in the flower beds. Who knows, I will report back if Britney reappears.
When someone sleeps soundly why do we say they slept like a baby, when babies wake up every couple of hours crying?
You might remember a little while ago I wrote about my new pet, Britney Smears, well Britney has done a runner, well a slimy slither and slide, no longer does she frequent the brick on the wall, infact since she had the enormous cat biscuit in one sliming she has not been seen, I am hopeful that she is just hibernating a little, and hoping that the cat biscuit didnt make her attractive to the numerous cats that think they have the right to parade around the garden at night time shitting in the flower beds. Who knows, I will report back if Britney reappears.
When someone sleeps soundly why do we say they slept like a baby, when babies wake up every couple of hours crying?
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
I went to my mates blogger last night,and she had this link on there called mind media , anyways this is a serious of questions and you choose answers from a selection, nothing taxing, no rights or wrongs,and then afterwards it does a summary, based on your results of how you use your brain and how you think.
Here are my results, in brief
Auditory : 41%
Visual : 58%
Left : 88%
Right : 11%
well I do not profess to be Einstein but I know that doesnt add up........ wheres the other 1%...... I tried the test a few times, and got different results each time, but there was still a missing 1%......... so come on, where is it????????? I think its that 1% that I use to write my blog with, or maybe Gordon took it on holiday with him.
Monday, February 09, 2004
Apparantly it isn't safe to pick cockles in Wales either.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Something strange has happened, well I say strange, but it may not be that something strange has happened, however something I am doing is kinda strange. I dont know if you have ever learned about classical conditioning, and pavlov and his dogs.. Well, before you start thinking that everytime I hear a bell, I start salivating, think again, this is a bit more strange.
Well it is to me. For some reason everytime I hear COCKLE PICKERS, or even think Cockle picker I start to laugh, I really don't know why.Its a bit like when I said DIARY, to my mate at the teacup, but this is odd. The thing is I keep hearing cockle picker on the news and reading it in the paper, and it really isn't a funny story, infact, it is really serious, and tragic, but still it keeps happening. I think I will need some aversion therapy, a little electric shock everytime I am about to laugh at cockle pickers.
So anyways, my reason for writing this is, if you hear me laughing, I am not laughing at the news story itself, and the tragedy that has happened, I am laughing for no reason that I understand, I even laughed when I tested it and sang "she wheels her wheel barrow through streets broad and narrow, crying cockles and mussels ..lalalala".
Who knows?
Friday, February 06, 2004
If the shit hits the fan and theres noone in the room, does it still smell.
If a tree falls down in the forest and noone is around, does it still make a noise
but the question thats really bothering me, is ......
if you are awake under the sheets at Christmas Eve, does Santa still know what you're doing?
I might have to ask my mate at the teacup about that, she will probably have some views about hiding under duvets and stuff.hehehe.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Each night for the past week or so, I have seen this tiny little creature, well actually it isn't that tiny, at first I was alarmed when I saw it cos I thought some dirty cat had bobbed on the wall, not content with bobbing in the plants, I thought one had done it on the wall. On closer inspection I saw that it was .........

Because it is now my adopted pet, I have called it Britney Smears, although I cannot tell if it is a boy or a girl.I think it leads a double life, if so, no doubt you will get to read about it on here.
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
not as amusing as the anchor spreadable, but worth a look.

Just click the pics, it should work.
Monday, February 02, 2004
Well this got me singing some misheard lyrics about a tutu, so like I do, I found the lyrics in question.
Don't mess with my Toot Toot
don't mess with my Toot Toot.
I know you have another woman
so don't mess with my Toot Toot.
When I was born in my birth suit the doctor slap her behind
He said: You're gonna be special
you sweet little Toot Toot.
So you can look as much
but if you much as touch
You're gonna have yourself a case
I'm gonna break your face.
So don't mess with my Toot Toot
don't mess with my Toot Toot.
I know you have another woman
so don't mess with my Toot Toot.
Totally catchy, hehehe, but what in earth ......they don't make songs like they used to.
don't mess with my Toot Toot.
I know you have another woman
so don't mess with my Toot Toot.
When I was born in my birth suit the doctor slap her behind
He said: You're gonna be special
you sweet little Toot Toot.
So you can look as much
but if you much as touch
You're gonna have yourself a case
I'm gonna break your face.
So don't mess with my Toot Toot
don't mess with my Toot Toot.
I know you have another woman
so don't mess with my Toot Toot.
my friend has just invited me to a show later this month. Its part of the comedy festival in the city, this particular night is called Gay Comedy. So anyways I said yes I would go, then I looked it up online to see what it entailed. Here is what jumped out at me ....

"Madame Galina Korsakova - Let the 17 stone Russian ballerina teach you the secrets of ballet as she twirls her massive frame for your enjoyment and then turns on the audience like a rabid dog!"
I think I better make sure that I don't wear anything that draws attention to my facial hair that night. hehehehe.

"Madame Galina Korsakova - Let the 17 stone Russian ballerina teach you the secrets of ballet as she twirls her massive frame for your enjoyment and then turns on the audience like a rabid dog!"
I think I better make sure that I don't wear anything that draws attention to my facial hair that night. hehehehe.